Thursday, November 20, 2008

Here We Go!

For a while now, some of my friends have told me that I should start blogging. A few of them have their own blogs (Shout out to Charlie, Jim, and David!), and I thought that I would join the fray. No promises about what will be posted or how often i will post. With all of that said, let's jump in to what I actually wanted to talk about.

I had an 8 hour drive home from school today. That's a really long time to be in a car, driving from the Midwest to the Southwest. Needless to say, I had my iPod with me to keep me from drifting off. One of the albums that I listened to was Taylor Swift's newest (Yes, I listen to Taylor Swift. Don't judge me.) Several of the songs struck me as saddening and interesting. The big ones were Fifteen and White Horse (listen to the songs if you can), and I could even make a case for a couple of other tracks.

When I was listening to these songs, it felt as though I were listening to a very young girl just crying out to be loved.
It seemed as if she had been hurt, injured by a previous experience. I have worked with students for far too long now (at my old age of 20!) to know that this is not an isolated incident. Over and over again, I have seen these same ideas played out in the lives of teenage guys and girls. And it's time it stopped.

Two points: First, If you are a student (high school or younger), I beg of you to stop trying to find your "completion" or "satisfaction" in a dating relationship. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the relationship probably will not last. The best and only loving relationship that you can find and take ahold of comes from Jesus.

Secondly: This one goes to adults. Students today only know relationships that are broken, and they accept the fact that life hurts. While they may have accepted those facts as merely a part of their lives, the side effects or aftershocks continue to sound in our culture. In fact, they are louder than ever, and there is not much chance of them going away anytime soon.

I think that sometimes we simply choose to ignore the cries of a younger generation because we ourselves have become used to the sound. Like I said earlier, they are becoming louder than ever, yet we have chosen to not do anything about it. We have chosen to drown them out because they are too loud (Hence, the title of my blog). Those of you that know me know that I feel called to work with students. My plea is that all of us would take just a few moments and notice the hurting that are walking among us, and do something about it.

Will you join us?

P.S. If you want to stay up to date on all my random thoughts throughout the day, you can follow me on Twitter by clicking here.

1 comment:

D-Heff said...

Horray Blake! Good to see you on here! But you'd get that twitter crap out of here real quick.