Thursday, January 1, 2009

Suggestions for 2009

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen who control our society,

For the most part, our society runs fairly smoothly and is pretty well off. I commend you on this. You are excellent masters of concealment, and are also fantastic spin-masters. Not much gets by you guys (except for the **** that happened New Year's Eve on ESPN).

However, in my humble experience, I offer four suggestions that I believe will help make our society even better for the future. Please consider them carefully and send me any feedback you find helpful.

1. Make Everyone's License Plate Their Cell Phone Number.
(Ok, so I stole this idea from Erwin McManus, but it is still a good one!) Do you know how much frustration you could eliminate from my life if I were able to yell at the person who just cut me off instead of just keeping it inside my car? Maybe this would require a serious reworking of the license plate and cell phone industry, but I think that we can agree that this will be for the better in the long run.

2. Create Wireless Power
My laptop isn't very portable when I have to be sitting close to a wall outlet in order to keep it going for longer periods of time. If you guys could invent something that would allow me to wirelessly transmit electricity across a room, that would be great. In fact, once you get this done, feel free to shut down the patent office, because there is nothing else that will ever further society beyond that point. Unless, of course, you come up with something that will plug the wireless power thingy in for me. That would be great too.

3. Give me an iPhone.
Ok, not really. This is more wishful thinking
(Seriously though--let's make this happen).

4. Allow me to never make a bonehead mistake when working with students.
I realize that this is pretty unrealistic too, but can we at least make sure that the camera isn't rolling when it happens?

Thank you for your considerations. I look forward to what you have in store for this New Year.


Blake Park


Tom Tatterfield said...

the wireless power is brilliant!!! almost too good to be true....but that is what they said about sliced bread...
Can I add one? A BCS PLAYOFF!!!We need it. Otherwise great teams like utah & USC get left out.

SethC said...

I like the license plate idea... and I agree with Tom that a BCS Playoff would possibly be as close to heaven-on-earth as we could get.